A New Home for These Brothers in Huehuetenango, Guatemala

It is hard to imagine a more remote but beautiful area of the world than Huehuetenango, Guatemala. The mountains are steep, the greenery is lush and the area is difficult to access. This makes all of the critical needs for rural indigenous families in the area more difficult to find. Schools are far from home, land suitable for farming is scarce and poverty in this area is some of the most extreme.
Finding Freedom through Friendship is networking with another nonprofit, Adopt-A-Village, to purchase land, and built a home for two widows and their 12 children. In this unique collaboration, both organizations will use their resources to provide shelter, purchase furniture, feed the families and teach them gardening techniques.

Frances, founder of AAV, and Jody, founder of FFF, first met for dinner in Miami this past May. They felt an instant connection and had a great evening of sharing information that both organizations can utilize. The two boys above (shown leaning on corn donated by Finding Freedom) will be the beneficiaries of this evening as AAV and FFF work toward improving their future.