Maria and her children prepare for their new donated house in Guatemala

Maria and her elderly mother are preparing to move into their new home donated by Finding Freedom Through Friendship. Maria is our first client and her acute need for safe and structurally sound housing was the reason FFF was founded. I first met her almost one year ago. At the time, her youngest son was sick with hepatitis. Maria’s husband had left her after baby Nancy was born. She was and continues to care for her elderly mother who lives with Maria. With all of this responsibility, Maria had the extra burden of no reliable income, a lack of adequate food resources for her children, and with only a first-grade education, she had minimal hope of finding a job that would provide for the needs of the family. 
Thanks to our generous donors, we had the funds available to purchase land and build a home for Maria and her family. We are sponsoring the two oldest children for school sponsorship, in hopes of preventing the cycle of illiteracy for this family.