
The Blues

 For the last three weeks, I’ve been living in the basement while our hardwood floors were being redone. Sleeping on the couch, feeling misplaced and disgruntled, but grateful all the same that I had floors to refinish. And a couch to sleep on, blankets to keep me warm. And heat, water, dishes, coffee. And a…

The Addiction

 We are fortunate to have such intelligent board members in our organization, and some of them enjoy reading The New York Times. This nationally renowned newspaper does an excellent job of showcasing world events and stories.The link (below) to their recent story about sugar addiction hit home with a few of us. For me in…

Childhood; Interrupted

Four of Sylvia’s seven children Last month, when my friends and I were doing a home visit with Sylvia’s family (above) in Guatemala, our minds and bodies were assaulted with the usual overload of sensory input when in Guatemala. When traveling from the U.S. to Central America in January, just getting used to the weather…

Who Are you, Anyway?

Many people wonder about the name of our organization, but they aren’t forward enough to ask. Today was the day.Our local postal worker, who has seen our return address label many times, couldn’t help himself. “Just who is this Finding Freedom through Friendship organization anyway?” he asked.  There was a long line behind me, it…

This is Progress

When I saw her last week it had been four months since my last visit with Sylvia in Guatemala, and I was anxious to see if her life had improved. Finding Freedom has supported the family’s nutritional needs by supplementing their food supplies every few months for the last two years. With seven children to…

The Gift

  During our youth, we spend the days, if not months, before this Christmas holiday, wanting. If you are over 40, you may remember doing that “wanting” by thumbing through the Sears catalog, one miraculous page at a time, dog-earing the ultra thin pages, and making our list, so Santa would know exactly what we…